I wrote this for the Lebowskifest last year and played it in Dallas, last week.
Ft Wayne 7/1/16
The Kessler in Dallas with Rhett Miller
Puddles the Clown, Nick Offerman and I play some songs
February 2, 2016
at The Astor Theatre in Perth, Australia“5,000 Candles in the Wind”
“Innocent When You Dream”
videos shot by Charney Marshall
Bowery Electric 5/6/16
Tickets: $10 $12 DOS -
A Podcast Song for The Higherside Chats
I was asked to write a theme for a podcast called The Higherside Chats. You can hear it here: http://thehighersidechats.com/dr-alexander-koltypin-extreme-antiquity-inner-earth-civilizations-secrets-of-the-ancient-past/
and download the song here:
New Haven Art Show
Valentine Song
The day after I got back from the tour with Nick, I was booked to play my girlfriend’s Valentine show at The Slipper Room. I hadn’t seen her in 19 days. I wrote her this Valentine’s Day present.
We hit at 9:30.
more info: http://www.shawpromotion.com/event/new-island-entertainment-group-presents-bikini-carwash-357-lover/ -
Tragedy UK
Australia and New Zealand with Nick Offerman
Corn Mo at Rockwood
Rockwood Music Hall
Stage 2
free -
Saturday night with Michael Shannon’s Corporal
It’s a benefit. If you want on the guest list, email me.
Info: http://www.greenway.org/greenway-party-in-brooklyn-featuring-top-actor-michael-shannons-band-corporal -
Tuesday night at The Bell House
Drom 12/4/15
85 Ave A
tickets – www.dromnyc.com
Corn Mo starts full set at 11pm.
And then you’ll see Late Night Fly Girls Jenny Rocha and Her Painted Ladies; the Most Handsome Man in the Sideshow, Ray Valenz; Tansy and her ferocious lion, Leeon Sugar; 1920’s Tapping Sensation, Gin Minsky; renowned aerialist Jen Kovacs; The Varsity Interpretive Dance Squad; World Famous Hula Hooper Pinkie Special; The Five Alarm Fire of Burlesque; Gal Friday; Varla Velour; and DJ Momo Taro.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Valley Lodge
I sat in with my friend’s band Valley Lodge last week on Last Week Tonight. It was fun. The last time I sat in with them was at Bonnaroo as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog’s back-up band.
The Polyphonic Spree 10/27/15
Years ago, The Polyphonic Spree were looking for a tour opener. They asked Chris Weber who then suggested me since I was solo. I was very lucky. Then, I asked CP, the Spree’s manager, if I could ride on their bus. He said I’d have put on a robe and join the choir. So, I did. I played my set and then changed clothes and sat in the choir. It was a joyful time.
I’m looking forward to supporting my old bandmates this month at The Highline Ballroom.Tuesday, October 27
Highline Ballroom
431 W 16th St.
doors 7, show 8.
Tickets -
We are working on one that will double as a soundtrack. We are working on one that will double as a Broadway show. I am working on getting the live one recorded.
Paris, Kentucky
Paris, Kentucky. 10/22 and 10/23. Performing with The Love Show at Bour Bon. I’m going to host a show, play some songs, then eat a nice dinner with bourbon.
Boomstick Ballet!
TICKETS: bit.ly/boomstickballet
The Love Show & .357 Lover present
A Bruce Campbell Dance Opera in 3 ActsONE NIGHT ONLY!
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Showtime @ 8:00 PM
Doors open @ 7:00 PMAT (le) poisson rouge
3 Bruce Campbells, 3 dance operas, 3 times the fun!
Put your sawed-off severed hands together! Following the success of their rock opera ballet “SEVERED: The Tragic Loves of Frankenstein’s Monster”, The Love Show and .357 LOVER reunite to bring you an evening of mayhem, beauty and slapstick through dance and original live music, based on films starring the Cary Grant of cult classic horror flicks, Bruce Campbell!
Act I: Evil Dead 2
Act II: Bubba Ho-Tep
Act III: Army of DarknessFeaturing:
Choreographed and directed by Angela Harriell, performed by The Love Show Dancers
Music & Lyrics by Corn Mo, performed by .357 Lover
Surprise special guestsTickets:
Vip seats: $30 advance, $35 day of show
Seated: $20 advance, $25 day of show
Standing: $10 advance, $15 day of showAdvance sale available at: bit.ly/boomstickballet
(le) poisson rouge
158 Bleecker Street
(between Thompson & Sullivan Streets)
New York, NY
Nearby subway lines:
ACE or BDFV to West 4th Street