
  • New Downloads Soon

    New downloads will be coming, soon. Among them will be the tribute to the great Kevin Von Erich.
    The Ben Folds Tour has been going well. Everyone has been real nice. Good times!

  • May 2005

    It went down like this: Ben Folds was on my flight and I did the stupid, nerdy thing.
    “Hey, you want a cd to listen to on the plane?”
    “Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
    And that’s how it went down. What a nice, nice guy.

  • Tonight on Nova

    Check out my Uncle Nathan on Nova tonight on PBS. It’s a show about preserving the Declaration of Independence. He built a box that distributes different gases that help preserve the document.

  • I’m glad I don’t have to go to class

    September, 2004
    Corn Mo is still on tour with TMBG and it’s awesome.
    The Johns have done very nice things for Mr. Mo.
    Projects are being worked on with various folks.
    Corn Mo is scheduled to play Santa at Polyphonic Spree
    Christmas show.