
  • Your Own Personal Anthem

    Do you have a goal so huge that you need an anthem to get over the mountain? Then, please submit your goal or project to

    If we pick you, then you will have your own personal anthem written by my band, .357 Lover. When you find yourself in times of trouble, you can play your anthem. When the deep waters of despair keep you at bay, play the anthem. When you find yourself trapped in the caves of frustration, play the anthem. We will be the soundtrack to your struggles. If you fail to achieve your goal, then burn the anthem onto a cdr and immediately throw it away in the garbage. We’ll try again by being silent. Hopefully, everything will go as planned. Check Thrillist for details:

  • Beatles Weekend Correction

    Roger Greenawalt is playing the entire Beatles catalog on ukelele at The Brooklyn Bowl. On my email, I said I would play at 5:45am on Sunday morning, thinking he was playing a 24-hour set. I was completely wrong. I am playing at 5:45pm on Sunday evening and am also playing Saturday night around 10pm.
    I didn’t think anyone would come hear me play a couple of Beatles covers before 6am, but just in case, since I’m a fan of am shows.

  • New Videos and Other Newness

    Some of you have realized that there are new videos on the Videos Page. If you haven’t checked it out, please do so. The new “CornMo Rant” is there now. The videos are using a service called YouTube. It’s like Flickr for videos.

    There are major updates planned for this site in the coming months. Is something missing? You need to let me know. Do you want more CornMo for your CornDollar? Let your voice be heard! Email me at (webmo at cornmo dot com).

    Does anyone out there do clever Flash Animation? Do you want to contribute content to Have you ever seen RatherGood? That site is H-I-Larious. I am looking for someone (or someones… somes one?) to create flash cartoons to go with CornMo’s songs. Do you have a favorite CornMo song that needs to be vector animated? If so, drop me a line.

    (webmo at cornmo dot com)

  • CornMo on

    Go HERE to see CornMo’s site on You can listen to songs that aren’t on this site, like "Hava Nagila Monster" (which is your new favorite Corn Mo Song). You can make CornMo your interweb friend and he can do the same to you. You can share an eBeer. In case you didnt notice, there is a new video over on the "Quick Links" section on the sidebar. If this rock and roll thing doesnt work out, CornMo might become a motivational speaker. Check it out. I’ll be adding this to the video page soon. -Joel (WebMo)

  • August 2005

    Haven’t kept up with my own news. But, no news is good news. Plus, I hate writing news. Writing in third person feels stupid. So, I guess this is bloggy news.

    New CD

    I’m working on a new cd. Many tracks are done, including “Havi Nagila Monster”. The tentative title is “Your Favorite Hamburger is a Cheeseburger”.

    I had some computer problems in getting the tracks uploaded. I think its working now. I’m apprehensive about them because I’m on a budget. I work with what I got.

    Some songs are short and some are really short.

    Each cd will come with a live ant with your name written across its back. In my blood. Some cd’s will have earthworms instead. If you get one of those, you get to visit my chocolate factory. You’ll each get a chocolate statue of yourself to eat. Don’t let your dog eat it!

    My Space
    There are two Corn Mo myspace sites: one for music, one for buddy.
    The reason I have two is because I can’t do it right the first time.
    Look for new blogs on one and new music on the other.

    Itunes, et al
    My stuff will be on Itunes, soon. Hopefully. And other downloading sites, too. So, if its out of stock, the ghosts of those songs will soon become audible.

    Guest Frontman
    I’ve been guesting (is that a word? it is now) with bands this summer. It’s fun. First, with They Might Be Giants doing “Hocus Pocus” and then with Ben Folds doing “Get Your Hands Off My Woman“. I hope to build some momentum with this. Enya is next!

    Circus By the Sea
    The circus musical is getting better. A work in progress creates hope. Ron the drummer messed up his hand. He’s the John Henry of drums. But his heart won’t explode. You should see him play.


    I was going to see “The Aristocrats” with my friend, Lucinda, at the movies but opted out because I want to wait until it comes out on dvd. That way I can watch one joke a day. Like a Far Side calendar. This isn’t news anymore.*

    Upcoming Tours
    Finally, I’ll be going to the UK in October with my friends, Common Rotation. We have good times together.

    *I’ve since been told this movie isn’t set up with joke after joke. But dreams do come true.

  • June, 2004

    JUNE, 2004
    I received this email a few days ago:

    the second week of July we are going cross the US and then we got a couple of
    shows on the weekend after. You want to open ?

    – Mr. John Flansburgh

    So, I’m taking that offer and will see many good times ahead.

    Speaking of the Giants, you can download Particle Man featuring the Linnell/Corn Mo duet.

    Dallas Genius, David Hanson, Makes Another Robot Head
    The first one was his wife. This one is Philip K. Dick. Brilliant. I think you can see it at Wired’s Next Fest.

    Read his paper on making robots look like humans as opposed to machines.

    “When a robot looks too much like the real thing, it’s creepy”. – Osaka University Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro.

    So, more on robots, if you’re in Edinburgh visit here. They had a robot jellyfish in the window. It’s really cool. Real nice folks.

    I bought some black dress shoes for shows. I’ve never bought dress shoes.
    My friend, Quincy, wore his grandfather’s preacher shoes during his set.

    Oh, and the Tiffany Automaton is a Fake.
    And so are the monkey ones.