We Sing Baby Dee! this Thursday

When I was in the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, we did a show in Ohio. After the show, Baby Dee invited the Fabulous Miss Una and me to stay at her house. She was living with her folks as they weren’t doing well. I’d only heard stories about her as she was in the Bindlestiffs before me. We stayed up late as she and Una caught up and then she gave us her bed. It wasn’t until the next day that I realized she slept on the floor of her dining room and was getting up at 5am to do her paper route. She’s a wonderful soul.
If you’ve never seen Baby Dee perform, then I suggest you do so. It’s haunting whimsy.
Those performing this show include myself along with Andrew W.K., Corn Mo, Aimee Curl, Little Annie and Paul Wallfisch, Curtis Eller, Mathew and Sarah, Phillip Raya and Lila (Rima Fand’s choir) and 9 year old Frannky Lou Hightower from Kansas City.

The show is February 4 at 7pm.
More info

Speaking of Andrew W.K., here’s the Lover backing him up one day in Denton at Kittenpants’ birthday.

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