10/5, Looking for a piano

Jory and I went down to the West End to look for a piano rental.  I found a fellow with a guitar at an internet shop and asked him and he pointed me to Denmark St.  What a time we had looking for that mysterious street.  What a quest! Everyone who gave us directions must have had their mental maps on a gyroscope. 

L = directions, I = communication, i = map made of marbles

And one lady wouldn’t respond when I asked her.  And I mean she wouldn’t acknowledge me.  Perhaps, I had ended my sentence in a preposition and she wouldn’t answer until the sentence was ended properly.  Or its the other thing.

We finally found Denmark St. and no one rents pianos on that strip of music stores.  But I did take  someone’s advice and found a place.

After that, Jory and I went to meet my friend, Will, at the Tower of London.  We didn’t go in (15 quid) but we walked the Tower Bridge and got a pint each (I got a Magner’s) and wandered over to the Tate Modern via the Millenium Bridge. It’s also called the Wobbly Bridge.  Because it use to be wobbly.  However, according to Wikipedia:
". . .  the problem was fixed by the retrofitting of 37 fluid-viscous dampers (energy dissipating) to control horizontal movement and 52 tuned mass dampers (inertial) to control vertical movement."
So, now it’s better.
the Wobbly Bridge, with St. Paul’s in the background where an old lady feeds the birds, tuppence a bag

Good exhibits. I saw Dali’s Lobster Phone and some cool video art and some Richter.  Also, I love "museum art" and they had it.  It’s the coolest.  Go to the Museum of Jurassic Technology if you’re ever in Culver City, CA.  

Model of Obliscence (or model of forgetting) by Geoffrey Sonnabend displayed at The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Culver City, CA

We went to Chinatown and got some terrible dinner.  Warm, bad- idea dinner.  It was buffet and they kept pouring new dinner into old dinner.  I feel sick typing about it.

Early night, getting ready for show tomorrow.