Human Giant 6am-8am

Note: I wrote this after I came home from the marathon. Some of it doesn’t make sense and the grammar is terrible, as I was half asleep writing it. But I don’t want to edit it because that would water down my zombie-like excitement.
i set my alarm for 4:30* but couldn’t get to sleep b/c i was too excited. all these ideas came and went.
i took my piano just in case but i didn’t need it. i took my accordion, too.
i was hoping to get the band to go with me but it wasn’t able to. they were bummed.
i wandered to the green room and saw familiar faces. So damn funny these guys are.
I saw leo allen. He’s a sweet fellow. he writes for the show as does his partner, Eric Slovin. They’re a brilliant pair.
I saw eugene mirman. he’s a funny man. i like that guy. Andy Blitz was doing stuff, too. He’s funny, too. He was booking a flight to chicago to go see his brother to leave within hours.
Nick kroll was killing me. I’ve been in shows around town with him and his buddies, and they were kiling me.
“How do I do this character with this moustache with a jewish accent without being Borat?”
Then, they all started doing Borat and then got the idea to have a Borat Army.
Rob riggle was on fire.He’s the coach that demands your attention but was really funny. no camera, just for us.
I decided at the last minute not to use my accordion. To be exact, the last minute was deciding what song to do. I felt like “Havi Nagilah Monster” would have been appropriate to start things off. There was a debate about 1 to 2 songs so i decided to excite the audience first, since it was 7am and then if they gave me one more song, to then go with something a bit nicer.
When they decided the 2nd song was a go, i was a mess again. Which one? I did Bye Bye Girls b/c I was most comfortable with it. It’s an old jacket that fits well and I wouldn’t it screw up. I’ll take chances on live shows at home.
It went well.
then i went to do an interview with Rob, Aziz, and Paul. I’d met Paul when he used to host “Automatic Vaudeville”. He’s a real nice fellow. The other guys I met at the show. They’re real nice. I was a bit shy but enjoyed being around them.
I finished, hung out a little more to watch the show since I don’t have cable, and got a cab and went home and rewarded myself with a bacon, egg and cheese.