August 2005
Haven’t kept up with my own news. But, no news is good news. Plus, I hate writing news. Writing in third person feels stupid. So, I guess this is bloggy news.
New CD
I’m working on a new cd. Many tracks are done, including “Havi Nagila Monster”. The tentative title is “Your Favorite Hamburger is a Cheeseburger”.
I had some computer problems in getting the tracks uploaded. I think its working now. I’m apprehensive about them because I’m on a budget. I work with what I got.
Some songs are short and some are really short.
Each cd will come with a live ant with your name written across its back. In my blood. Some cd’s will have earthworms instead. If you get one of those, you get to visit my chocolate factory. You’ll each get a chocolate statue of yourself to eat. Don’t let your dog eat it!
My Space
There are two Corn Mo myspace sites: one for music, one for buddy.
The reason I have two is because I can’t do it right the first time.
Look for new blogs on one and new music on the other.
Itunes, et al
My stuff will be on Itunes, soon. Hopefully. And other downloading sites, too. So, if its out of stock, the ghosts of those songs will soon become audible.
Guest Frontman
I’ve been guesting (is that a word? it is now) with bands this summer. It’s fun. First, with They Might Be Giants doing “Hocus Pocus” and then with Ben Folds doing “Get Your Hands Off My Woman“. I hope to build some momentum with this. Enya is next!
Circus By the Sea
The circus musical is getting better. A work in progress creates hope. Ron the drummer messed up his hand. He’s the John Henry of drums. But his heart won’t explode. You should see him play.
I was going to see “The Aristocrats” with my friend, Lucinda, at the movies but opted out because I want to wait until it comes out on dvd. That way I can watch one joke a day. Like a Far Side calendar. This isn’t news anymore.*
Upcoming Tours
Finally, I’ll be going to the UK in October with my friends, Common Rotation. We have good times together.
*I’ve since been told this movie isn’t set up with joke after joke. But dreams do come true.