response to Madison
Dear Colin,
I seriously teared up reading this. I will take on
your mission. I think you’re right that there is a
lot of good music that is uninvestigated. Most radio
is enjoyed by running in the hamster wheel. I think
clear channel is a beast that cannot be conquered
until satellite radio is the norm. Sunday night radio
shows are an oasis for people like you but you have to
have your sunday’s scheduled for such. Inspiration
needs to happen every day.
I get pissed off when someone casually brushes off the
Polyphonic Spree as another Flaming Lips when the
radio is full of bands that sound like the band before
it that sounds like the band before it. It’s hard for
some people to allow the magic to rock them. It takes
a concerted effort. So, I don’t know. I’ll keep doing
what I’m doing and hopefully those in the power of
media will catch on and we will all have better days.